笨小孩 o(."".)o

°¤ø¤°¤ø 愚かな子供 ø¤°¤ø¤°

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°¤ø¤°¤ø 笨小孩 ø¤°¤ø¤° o(."".)o

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

on 黄易depress mood -.-"

last nite bought 1 weapon upgrade scroll then didnt know tat if fail will break the weapon, there goes my high att spear which 1 bought 100 over K *poof* jus like tat gone... i was like WTF! *$^#$()%^# theres no other way to get back my spear =( LL go dig out my old low att spear to use, no choice :s yet when i doin quest, nvr go notice my HP bar... ba!... 死掉! (*&$^%#! 20k+ epx gone & i was goin to lvl soon ><" 哪贝! suay nite -.-"



Blogger ET said...

=op take it as curse scroll lo =op

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:47:00 PM  

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