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Thursday, January 04, 2007

another online game after another...

After retiring from Maple Story, I've been chasing anime due to nothing to do on my free time as last time I dedicated most of my free time into online gaming & recently have been intro to another online game call "黄易 online"

It's a 3D gaming platform, as everyone know, I don't really like 3D platform style because I don't really like those 360 degrees rotation game play style =X I used to play a few 3D game before, like GuildWar, SRO, WoW, Nostale... in the end all give up =X

But so far in this game I was surprise my self tat I quite like it although it's still 3D & some more it's all written in Chinese words -.-" at 1st, I had difficulty on understanding, buddy in game keep on helping me solving the problem =D which is now I can slowly adapt into it & slowly pickup the game play but still need extra brain juice to hold on the game :s hope not getting over addicted on it, I still have alot anime to chase off ^^

& once again, friends & buddy I know from last time all gather again in this game, fun & laughter once again just like last time when playing Maple Story.

Conclusion after playing "黄易 online" was I learn quite alot through this gaming platform, like the game is all in Chinese words which is force me to know more in Chinese language, understand it & basically I think will improve my Chinese in future, with old friends & buddy just like last time in other games, understand how the game to be play, stratergy, interligent, endure & much more =D and most importantly I'm happy while playing this game ^^


Blogger Istari said...

Not all friends & buddy playing cos I not playing huang yi online :P

Anyway enjoy your gaming.

Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:44:00 PM  
Blogger ET said...

lol most of us went into the game :p

cao mnm learn more chinese =x

Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:00:00 PM  
Blogger William said...

MnM can solve quest ar? I also can't read. lol....

Friday, January 05, 2007 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger MnM said...

like et said, most of us are into this game & it was fun althou i died quite alot of times but still can feel the excitment throu out the whole game play =D like lastnite went in lv20 Dungeon quest with ah mm & kay, it was so excited coz u nid to clear the stage to reach the destiney in 1hr timing, too bad we didnt clear, mayb 1st timer, no experinces on how the quest goes, still manage to kill 2 bosses ^^ gain abt 3/4 lvl of exp & more then 35k sp point, si bey shiok ar kekeke, those below lv20 faster get lv20 coz its super fun doin lv20 dungeon quest , can gain alot exp & sp points as well might get rare item =D

btw who is teo? rubber?

Friday, January 05, 2007 10:51:00 AM  

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