enjoying free mooncake ^^
lol... now enjoying my fav. mooncake =P white lotus with double yolk =D yum~yum kekekeke--- Liverpool's weekend match update ---Bolton vs Liverpool Live 19:45pm from Reebock stadiumHope Kops can continue thier winning streak againts this quite hard to beat team, with 2 former Liverpool player are in the team Nicolas Anelka and El-Hadji Diouf. If Kops win, will b the 1st away win of the season & will leapfrog bolton into 3rd place as equal pts with Portsmouth.Last season match ended Bolton 2-2 Liverpoolgogogo Liverpool~
today bowling on form ^^
superb form today, breaking my personal high ^^ scoring 208 on 5th game =D score a few turkeys the while nite =D & wash quite alot of longkang as well =X hope next week can do better XD
Finally end week is coming
Bad, dark, black, suay, furious, unlucky week i ever across in my life :/ wanted pass this week so quickly without looking back, waiting & hoping for the gd week ahead =Dthis morning i woke up late T_T end up taking cab, cost mi 13bucks -.-" Tonite 小胖,牛奶,硬硬的 wont b coming bowling =( oni 硬基 & John coming if not wrong, might b some other ppl, still tbc.kaoz... im so tired so sleepy zzz hopefully not goin to rain later in the evening.
new word learned =D
hahaha... jus now on the way home, this came into my mind lol =XYest nite having dinner with some fren & joke around toking abt someone ^^ then suddenly 1 of them come out with a short form word & everyone was like ... uh o.O" -.-" @.@" wat was tat ...?!?! a sec later then xpp laughing... i assume he knoes the meaning of tat words come out from 硬基 mouth =X hahahaha... then i so curious wanted to knoe wth is tat words mean -.-" keep on asking wat the meaning of tat word... then they tell the meaning of tat shot form of word then everyone laugh again... hahahahaha so mean lol XDwat a cheerfull nite & i've learn a new word lol... & tat word is 'CFM' =X go find out ur self if u duno wat it means ^^
Viva Crouch
scoring 1 of truly superb overhead kick, he bag 2 goals on 3-2 won over Galatasaray, his european cup scoring form was superb, gd for Kops =D
yest ms patch whole day... zzz yet till late nite after patch game server was like kns... login str8 dc -.-" there goes my 2x of the day =(lastnite was dinner with some frens, then received a sms from a fren asking wana go tour again, the one i went to Europe together last 2 yrs ago =/ this time goin Italy & Spain on next summer & i was initially planing goin NZ but not with this fren lol... aww~ i think i stick to NZ =D yet still long but time to save up.today happy coz Liverpool won! YaY~
Somting to proud off...

yeah... tats my baby, very proud off after a yrs of hard train, exploring map to map, different kind of experince in the game, from poor to rich, from nth to somting =P kekeke
but still haven satisfy with it coz i haven own the ultimate zak helm =( grrr... i think shd b end of the road as a milstone for reaching Lv120 & own a zak helm, 7 Lvl to go T_T
wat a bad week >.<"
1st forum taiji & now jus get the news tat my fren been TB certified =( wtf man, wat i heard from him b4 goin screening is his company last time had 1 stuff was a TB patient. sigh... wish him speedy recovery.Arrggh........... fuck it! zzzwat a dark week T_T
moment of thruth
viewing some fren being axe jus becoz of new room & not knowing the reason behind -.-" ridiculous :s sad to see & read some of the hidden thing... obviously it was her fault all along, tat bitch, without those thing she had said & done, i dun think this will ever happen. Power is wat she wanted & she get it now, happy liao lo... scumbag humji... ptui!u wan to knoe y they forming a whole new room? meet mi in person, i can tell everything coz i was with them last friday toking abt wat really happen to LK b4 forming the new room.Everything was seem not right after zilla posting a thread at Feedback & Suggestions section tittle "La-kopi Committee" & the so call by mi "Batu Api" came & back some fire to heat up the situation & end up being lock by one of the mod with some lame reason. Then war has begun...who is goin to b blame becoz of tat? tell mi who? damit... member voice out tio shot, when things happen being blame not voice out. After all he doest not deserved this kind of treatment, did he create any trouble since? yet he had alot of credits in LK thou... intro the most ppl to join LK since day 1, prove mi wrong!Foresee, I will stand by my self with slightly with them & not LK, dun ask mi y, u shd knoe better then mi. For those who think they r criminal & shd b execute, look at ur self, wat hav u done as a member or commitee? or u jus follower do wadeva they do without any 2nd thought?1 of the reason i quited LK is bcoz of tat "Batu Api" hell ya tats make mi fucking pissed off!
Heartbreaking from wat i saw...
oh well, i went back to see wat happen... surprisingly few of the commitee are slamming so call the other side, natural ba i guess, someone get angry in suddenly ppl leaving.Heart break when i saw wat Andy post :s not tat i bias *the other side, it jus not right to say those thing, ppl have the right to surf other forum, do we? common, dun b such hars, they leave, try thing of wat making them leave? try to hold them back & not shoting on em, well i knoe this wont works for u but at least u can try it, understand the situation of wats wrong in the 1st place. anyway since u choose this way then jus let it b... i might b wrong.Ppl come ppl go, y? go find dodo's thread, i stats my feeling there. & about the Volunteer thing, i nvr see any of the commitee rising tat they are not enuf manpower & nid or request a volunteer from the member, do they? nah... prove mi wrong if they had. I will willing to help out if there is a request for tat, y not... tats my belove forum since day 1, some of the commitee said b4, "we not being paid doin those stuff" ya tats rite, since when volunteer being paid for doin thing? we all knoe tat, keep on this kind of mindset sure no ppl will do those shyt.Like i said b4, if commitee canot or cant or no time to do the shyt, ASK help from those member, but nvr had this ask b4, jus keep in the pocket & of coz y those member not up them self as volunteer? think back dude, LK commitee already had how many ppl in there? 10? im not sure thou... if some of the member volunteer them self, i think there will b a tention around *beyond commitee & member, u knoe... politics as i knoe so far... inside LK's commitee already had politics wars goin on, hell ya prove mi wrong!I guess the mindset of those member are same as mi... dun wan to b list as Kpo *Hu lampa as well as get involve in politic issue. I jus knoe it, u guy commitee jus cant sit back to agree some of the thing, so dun blame those member being goin other forum, fix ur own inside wound. Oso, 1 thing i dun really like is the commitee always do thing in secret way, nvr ever open to public as wat they been done, eg: selection of mod & new section, at least let all member view b4 ur make a final decision, who knoes some member got thing to patch up or more suitable thing to add on? tat pretty dissapointed thou...& yes another thing, mi as MnM in LK forum had some attitude b4, clash with some member b4 & well... tats mi, i feels tat wat i do is right, when i dun like 1 person, i will nvr like tat person, tats mi, u cant change tat, as for those who dun like mi, feel free to leave a msg or 2, list out all my bad point so tat i knoe whr to fix it to become a better person in future.as for LT, im invited to join em, theres no reason for mi to reject, y? bcoz different forum different experince i will b ecounter, like b4 i join LK, i was from TC & i get invited to join LK, i nvr reject, its somting new & fresh thing to explore. am i right? when i leave TC, theres no ppl there flaming mi tat im a betrayer, for sure theres no. For better understanding, im quiting LK is not bcoz of LT, jus some other reason *everyone knoe the reason, i quited LK b4 LT is forming.Being so long i've been in LK, who doesnt knoe mi? I wish i can go back once again but see thing heat being so hot becoz of such small matter. I duno man, so many buddy there, feel so sad... really i feel so so sad thing become like tat, from frens become enemy. I hope they draw back those words being release if not no matter how there still a line in between.dam 2am -.-" so, to LK commitee, fix up the problem *im sure et knoe this better as i always say to him, then send mi an nice invitation, i will consider goin back to help out. if cant then let it b, let it sink to the btm of heart break sea.2.30am -.-" Hope i can wake up in time
still sick >.<"
grrr... tupid flu wont get away from mi >.<"getting intro to new forum, but de... feel abit awkard o.O" duno y after quited LK, dun feel like foruming -.-" anything update mi here =Pyest in ms bump with a priest, previously zak together, she had been teasing mi inside zak, then lastnite i went zak alone, suddenly saw her appear at zak door, tat time i was botting to get in so she nvr see mi *lotsa ppl >.<" after awhile i shout "hi ***" the she reply.... hahahahaha.... was tot she not remember mi =X suprisingly is she add mi buddy ^^ not much chat coz i zakuming, come out she offline.Oso i saw tat moron with her bf & the moron gang inside zak -.-" selfish group of ppl nvr concern some of the ppl tat dun hav full party then start summoning zak PTUI! my party no priest, no dk... so i quit after summoning, dun wan waste my pot since not goin to make it till end, hate that kind of ppl, such a scumbag!