dreadfull weekend... lol
finally get off the 'A life without PC'
after twist a mind go dig out my old hdd my precious baobei 'Quantum Fireball' gave my pc a new life
with whole saturday nite of reinstalling all the OS & S/W then come out this frustrated matter
no sound on my pc grrr... check here... check there... no solution
LL go sleep
morning TTO sms mi said he coming over help mi solve the mystery missing sound
after lunch then meet TTO come over my place help, after tick here & there on the sound card, then finally the sound came on!!!
HALLELUYA!!! kekeke thanks to TTO golden hand lmao... then let him explore the PC, then found out tat the CPU is running abv normal as the specs, originally series 3000 shd b running at 1.8MHz & mine was at 2.2MHz
then wonder in the 1st place when i bought the PC, is the person who installed the parts help mi overclock it or 2nd hand cpu o.O" hmm... anyway, nvr go ask it since the pc is with mi around 2 yrs+
anyway, thanks TTO help mi get back my PC life
then hor now i still roundering wheather wan to sign up the Starhub 12k broadband service & get the lappy for free
feel wanted too

morning TTO sms mi said he coming over help mi solve the mystery missing sound

anyway, thanks TTO help mi get back my PC life

user's problem -.-
bleahz, ask u le still say bo problem ~_~
hehe go sign starhub liao update me =op
paiseh, i tink ur cpu is barton de, so the spec is defualt. =X
i tot its A64 till i recall its barton cpu that run at ard 2.2Ghz at default. u can use cpuz to check again if u want. :siam:
anyway not much effort from me, juz resit the sound card nia.
aiyah, barton or arton dun care liao lo, been using it so long already, its great have my pc back online kekeke ^^ if sell on ebay ur say got chance bo? lol... if can let go this set then i go sign up starhub =X
aiya, throw inside s'pore river lah =X (u say so de) heeheehee... i guess the most can get $500 wif complete set.
try set s/b:$500, m/i:$50, a/w:$999 lor =X sound familiar hor...
S/B one sheng siong lunchie ^_^V
sux lei, upgrade to 12k nid to change my modem -.-" tats mean nid to buy *i guess* jus check their webbie, tat modem cost 200+ -.-" dun think i gonna go for it, bo hua :s
modem no nid to change unless u wan the digital voice function. else, stay wif ur current modem lor. anyway how often u wan to use the voice function?? unless u wan to kip ur modem running 24/7 n take away ur home phone. Not too sure but its sometin like that. u can read up more detail in the web if u wan.
the old modem *1st gen - white color* is not competible for the 12k, my collegue got ask & tats the ans from them, if those using black color is no problem.
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