笨小孩 o(."".)o

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°¤ø¤°¤ø 笨小孩 ø¤°¤ø¤° o(."".)o

Saturday, September 16, 2006

goin BKK on CNY?!?!

this morning a fren call up asking if wana go BKK this coming CNY, he manage booked tio $8.8 bucks ticket from Tiger Airway which is no more already, current offer was $29.90 bucks, depart 1st day of CNY, come back 4 days later. I wonder is a good ideal goin BKK around CNY period? not sure thou... nvr been there on tat kind of timing.

i was thinking goin along =X stay home oso sienz... no whr to go, nvm... see how 1st lol... kinda tempting kekeke...

EPL update! tml tonite clash of the titan, 4 top team meet each other for the title showdown:
Chelsea vs Liverpool *early match
Manchester Utd vs Arsenal *late match

& of coz will cheers along my fav. team Liverpool, they mus win to close the point gap, we beat em once on the opening season Charity Shield, shd b no problem to do it again ^^ Gogogo Kops!!! as for MU match, i hope Arsenal will win thou coz MU win so many matched already -.-" its time to lose XD Gogogo Gunner!!!


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