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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Daylight organs robbery...

...knelt weeping before the doctors, begging them to wait, nine police officers entered the ward and restrained the distraught family while Sim's body was quickly whisked away.... "The hospital staff were running as they wheeled him out of the back door of the room. They were behaving like robbers,"
read on...

damn... I feel kinda disturbing on whats happening -.-" nothing to say, my condolence to the Sim's family.


Blogger ET said...

Actually we can look at it from both pov. The case is that the guy was already pronounced brain dead, medically brain dead is equivalent to dead. And in order to preserve the organs in good condition they must get the organs within a certain time span.

Looking from the family's pov, they were hoping for miracle. However, looking from the medical world's pov, they're trying to create miracle for others.

Unless you signed the form declaring you're not donating your organ, else the hospital have the right to take it from you. But look on the bright side, you are doing good deeds even after leaving the world.

RIP to Sim Tee Hua.

Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:27:00 AM  
Blogger Istari said...

I agree with ET. Well it is easier for me to say because the decreased is not my kin.

Logically speaking when you sign on the agreement, they would have the right to do it but I don't know how much difference an hour of delay would make.

The police and doctors need to take care of the emotions of the family in this case.

Saturday, March 03, 2007 10:01:00 AM  

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