笨小孩 o(."".)o

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°¤ø¤°¤ø 笨小孩 ø¤°¤ø¤° o(."".)o

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

boringz mondayz...

yawn~ today morning cought in the rain stuck at the bus stop -.-" as usual, come back home 7+ then as usual sit infront of my pc -.-" tonite really zo bo -.-" watch WC game while doin this bloginz more nit =D looks at the running clock ^^ then after tat was dam bore ~( go pa MS, ingame no ppl login accept oral, stella & taizi -.-" duno whr the rest hiding.

While doin quest... *popz* suddenly the monster drop mi 1st drop of the day =) a cat eyes earing o.O" well, better then nth, then theres go 2nd quest... *popz* againz.... this time Korea Fan *rotfl* as i wanted from the begining but then play awhile sienz already, go back watch WC 2nd match Ukraine vs Saudi, sure win for Ukraine, no doubt abt tat =X there u go... now 12:35am Ukraine score thier 2nd goals on 36mins [2-0] but still England da best ~) gogogo England, tml England vs Sweden but it SHOW AT EARLY MORNING! damz dun think goin to watch it, hope they win =D

tats all for today, wat'a boring dayz


Blogger Istari said...

wah, not bad wor. Jia you, blog more. lol last night I went in ms all gone liao left taizi, joan and me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:12:00 AM  
Blogger MnM said...

i login around 12:30, heard tat no free Lv on 1st MSea birthday -.-" instead of tat they gib 2x exp + 2x drop rate on certain timing -.-" crapz

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger Istari said...

oh, then sian lor. What timing? Wee hours of the morning? -.-"

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:15:00 PM  
Blogger MnM said...

afternoon timing if not wrong =.=

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:23:00 PM  

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